Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bloody Summer

How can you play those mental love games when it doesnt come out physically?We feed the image way too much and sometimes we lose all the meaning.When you like someone it means that you shared with him/her some looks and you ve pointed out the idea "yeah,he/she might like me" and you think "thats cool,lets make a move so we might get closer and get to know eachother/have sex/just hang out/waste time/whatever" but is this enough to motivate you?You might start talking with eachother and end up strangers the next 10 minutes.Words fail us and actions are empty without the meaning behind our true desire to talk to the ones we like.Words might fail us but sometimes they can be our most sincere and effective way of approaching.What is the meaning of all this?There are no words to speak anymore.The sense of feelling empty and unable to win someones attention with your ways of speaking is unbearably defeating.It feels like you have no sense of self,you cannot be you and try to be something not someone.Identifing your self with all the things that you might like or dislike and thats all.I can easily say it sucks big time and its so fucking hard to change in the end.I hope its just a passing idea of mine cause i feel soo unable to deal with shit like this.What the fuck?I m not fucking 16 anymore and you are way  too fucking bored to read someone elses insecurities.Arent you?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Episodes

I don't wanna be alone, and i don't wanna be high
But thats the way i've been living life

I don't know what i want, or what i'm running from
Should have filled up last stop, now my light is on

I don't wanna be home, and i don't want the road
Don't want to tell any one about my episodes

What would i wouldn't do for just one glimpse of you
Sitting across from me sharing this scenery

And now, but more time wasting
My life looking for what's not there
I've come too far to be this unhappy

I'm just happy right now that your arms are around me

I don't wanna be alone, and i don't wanna be high
But thats the way i've been life

What i wouldn't do, for just one glimpse of you
Sitting across from me sharing this scenery

And now, but more time wasting
My life looking for whats not there
I've come too far to be this unhappy

I'm just happy right now that your arms are around me
I'm just happy right now that your arms are around me

Nothing can prepare for us for what life chucks at our feet
I'm just happy right now that your arms are around me
I'm just happy right now that your arms are around me

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

If I Die Tonight issue zero

To πρώτο τεύχος του if i die tonight βγήκε μόλις εχθές σε 40 μετρημένες κόπιες μετά από άπειρες αναβολές και αλλαγές και χίλιες 2 βλακείες.20 σελίδες ασπρόμαυρη φωτοτυπία Α4 με φωτογραφίες,ιστοριούλες και άλλες χαζομάρες.Κόπιες μπορείτε να βρείτε στο αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο  στέκι του πολυτεχνείου,στο distro ενός περίεργου τύπου εδώ http://scullcrasherdis.blogspot.gr/search/label/DISTRO%20LIST
και εφόσον ξανατυπωθεί,μέσω mail:ifidietonight.thewill@hotmail.com.
Επίσης κάτι παίζει με το καλοκαίρι φέτος.